Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Looks like it's open season on American citizens: "Justice Still Denied for Kate Steinle".

It won't matter: Democrats will sell their souls at a discount to get rid of Trump. "Michael Bloomberg Is Satan—Discuss". Related: "Michael Bloomberg: Like Penny Loafers At A Rodeo".

So, how's that Red flag Law working out in Florida? About how you would expect.

Joe who? "Obama: 'I Have No Memory Of Anyone Named Joe Biden'".

This is why we need to consider euthanasia rather than surgery for the DOJ: "Hell Yes, Barack Obama Fundamentally Transformed the United States of America".

The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend: "Hating Trump Can’t Unite the Democrats".

LOL! In a survey of Germans, a plurality of respondents found Donald Trump to be a greater threat to world peace than Kim Jong Un, Ali Khamenei, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, combined.


Veeshir said...

When you're strong, the enemy of your enemy can be your entertainment.

Whenever I watch Band of Brothers and they get to the concentration camp, I always wish we'd had a working A-bomb in time to nuke Berlin.

Screw the Germans. Next war, I say we make them keep France.

RebeccaH said...

We spent three years in West Germany in the 70s. I held a couple of clerking jobs for NATO, and a German secretary once brought up the subject of the the Richard Speck murders. She was horrified, and told me, "That would never have happened under Hitler." She didn't bother to add that mass murder was a speciality of the Third Reich, and I was too dumbfounded to answer her. I think that attitude has never quite gone away in Germany, it's just gone underground.

Paco said...

Rebecca: That secretary uttered one of the least self-aware comments of all time!