Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama's cousin: Hey, you know, ObamaCare is a really bad idea

Dr. Milton Wolf - President Obama's second cousin, once removed - has written an article for the Washington Times in which he blasts his famous relative's attempt to nationalize health care:
America has the finest health care delivery system in the world. Let's not forget that and put it at risk in the name of reform. Desperate souls across the globe flock to our shores and cross our borders every day to seek our care. Why? Our system provides cures while the government-run systems from which they flee do not. Compare Europe's common cancer mortality rates to America's: breast cancer - 52 percent higher in Germany and 88 percent higher in the United Kingdom; prostate cancer - a staggering 604 percent higher in the United Kingdom and 457 percent higher in Norway; colon cancer - 40 percent higher in the United Kingdom.
So it seems the final irony of ObamaCare is that it will kill off the taxpayers who are supposed to foot the bill. Nice work, genius.

ObamaCare: "Are we there, yet?"

Update: Also see Charles Kesler's essay.


  1. It's pathetic to watch our system of government be corrupted by a herd of handless cows in such an open fashion. Granted, much happened behind the scenes for years, and these clowns are just reaping the benefits of past socialists and statists. But it's still pathetic.

    And for what? The chance to let people die in nasty ways (and cancer is nasty as they come) just so a bunch of intellectual elites can pretend they know what they're doing.

  2. As the saying goes, the only two things that are certain are death and taxes. Who would ever have thought, however, that the government might turn out to be responsible for both.

  3. Up until last September I really hadn't used my medical insurance or had any dealings with the local healthcare providers. Then, what I thought was a minor issue turned out to be The Big C.

    Within weeks I had a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and was on a regimen of chemo and radiation therapy. My insurance company and the various doctors just did their jobs--all I had to do was pay my deductible and show up for treatment.

    I don't see how getting the feds involved in the process can possibly improve it. I keep hoping the Repubs can find a way to drive a stake through the heart of ObamaCare before Pelosi and Reid can hatch this monster.

  4. Zardoz: I am sorry to hear of your illness, but glad the treatments have not posed a difficulty (from the standpoint of paperwork, I mean). I pray for your speedy recovery.

  5. No one in this country is turned down for medical care, whether they have insurance or not. This whole "health care" beatup is bogus. We all know what they're up to in that swamp known as Washington, and it ain't taking care of us.

  6. A friend of mine - 70yo widow who was a Navy Wife for 22 years and escaped from East Germany when she was a teenager - was in the high-risk every durn year colonoscopy category. Her most recent scope 6 weeks ago came back positive. Within 2 weeks she was in the recovery room, having had the proper surgery to remove the cancer. Four days later it was found the rest of her innards were clear, and she's back in water aerobics and bowling. She's one of the kindest ladies you could ever hope to meet, and likes having me for a "daughter."

    I believe BarryOCare would have let her rot and die, because she's "old" you know.

    Pathetic is such a good word.
