But this scandal cannot end with Jackson’s resignation. She appears to have illegally evaded deliberative procedures and transparency requirements set in law – as did the federal appointees and career employees with whom she communicated through her alias email account. She must be held to account, as must those others – both to assure the peoples’ business is done in public and to send a signal to other high-level government officials this conduct cannot and will not be tolerated.I’ll keep a good thought, but I won’t be holding my breath waiting for Eric Holder’s Department of Justice (Ha-Ha) to jump on the case.
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
Friday, December 28, 2012
Gone (but not forgotten, I hope)
The Competitive Enterprise Institute has issued a press release on the impending departure of Lisa Jackson (a/k/a “Richard Windsor”) as head of the EPA. Coincidentally (I’m sure), Jackson is currently being investigated for using a private email account to circumvent transparency in her war on coal. The CEI statement includes the following important observation and suggestion:
What, no self-righteous screams of "racism" from Washington peanut gallery?