Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy anniversary!

To Mrs. Paco and me! Today we celebrate 35 years of marriage (say, what's the gift for 35 years? Kevlar? Metamucil?)

Update: Mrs. Paco sends her heartfelt thanks to Captain Heinrichs for his lovely email gift.


  1. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Paco! May you have another 35 years of wedded bliss?

    And I'd suggest copper jacketed lead, but I expect that Mrs. Paco would prefer diamonds. Or emeralds.

  2. According to Amy Vanderbilt's "New Complete Book of Etiquette" (1967), it's coral or jade. You'll have to wait another 20 years for emeralds, and at least 25 for diamonds.

    Congratulations and Best Wishes!

  3. Congratulations and Happy New Year!

  4. Geritol. I know. We're at 37 this year. Congrats!!!

  5. Dad29: Let's keep the streak going!

  6. Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Paco, may you have many more.

  7. It's that or Viagra, mojo.

  8. Deborah said... Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! May you both be blessed with many, many more!

    Remember, it's jewelry, chocolates, roses, romance, and I'll bet Mrs. Paco would appreciate something to take to the range.

    Ah, a romantic get-a-way. Champaign, and roses at the range.

  9. Happy anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Paco!

  10. I can't remember who said it but the gift that keeps on giving is to start the day by saying:

    “I'm sorry sweetheart, I was wrong.”

  11. Happy 35th. You're half way to 70.

    I read somewhere that Geritol can improve the chance for a pregnancy in a woman.

    Are you looking for that, Paco?

  12. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Paco.

    -According to Bob Belvedere's Matrimony Mambo book, thirty-five involves the couple exchanging claw-footed bath tubs so they can Celebrex the occasion.

  13. Congratulations, 35 years is a looooong time! (to me at least) Are you going to impart any secrets to a long, successful marriage or have you just been winging it?

  14. Colonel: I am extraordinarily fortunate in having married a woman of sweet disposition, tremendous patience, and little or no interest in material gew-gaws. She also has a good head for organization and finance. So, I've just done my best not to upset the applecart.


  15. Congratulaltions. May your appreciation of each other grow even deeper over the coming years.

  16. Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Paco! Here's to 35 more!

    (So sorry - Everything's late, due to computer crash - borrowed laptop has made an appearance & all will be well by this time next week)
