Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I'm sure there are also other reasons...

...but this is a good start: "6 Reasons Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing California’s Southern Border".

This is one I wasn't aware of:

The Chinese are heavily involved in the domestic growth of marijuana in America, both legal and illegal, federal officials say.
In February, 50 members of the House and Senate sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing concern about and asking for answers to “reports from across the country regarding Chinese nationals and organized crime cultivating marijuana on United States farmland.”
“There’s a new term that’s been used a lot lately in local law enforcement—especially [in] Northern California [and] the inland parts of California—called narco slavery,” Scott told The Daily Signal. “And they’re seeing more and more Chinese that are being brought across and they’re being forced to work these domestic marijuana grows; they’re being forced to shovel money around the United States to pay back the smuggling fee that they couldn’t afford up front.”

Attaboy, Brandon! 


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 1, 2024 at 12:18 PM

    I had heard there was heavy Chinese involvement in pot farms. Say what you will about the PRC, they don't sleep on opportunities to harm their enemies.

  2. Don't trust China, China is asshole.

    Is that too hard for the current administration to understand?

  3. This sounds like what happened in the 19th century gold rush, and the reason Australia chose to exclude Chinese when federated - the 'White Australia Policy' - Which apparently was never defined in writing, but Chinese were the main problem at the time so the likely target.

    That is, Chinese were being sent overseas to get gold and send it back to China under a type of indenture system which you could call slavery, tied to wealthy war lords back home.

    I believe that a lot of the problems we have with China go back before the 20th century, like China's bizarre take on 'diplomacy' which in their case involves acting like spoilt teenagers throwing tantrums and making childish demands. Because until recent centuries they never had to deal with other nations as equals, so real diplomacy is alien to their culture. They never 'grew up' as a culture.

  4. China has not changed much in the last 2,000 years.
    Except some of their slaves used to make beautiful things.
    Now they just make trash.
