Thursday, December 19, 2024

From the Dept. of Things I Probably Should Have Known But Didn't

Didn't know that: "Jaguars only live in 3 states, and Arizona is one of them."


  1. Well that's kind of cool. I would not have thought AZ suitable habitat for them, but here we are.

    Best we have where I live are bobcats, cougars and black bears. There are wolves on the Olympic Peninsula, but apparently not near here.

    Yet, anyway.

  2. I used to love hiking in the White Tank Mountains, about 20 miles west of Phoenix. For protection, I never carried anything but a hunting knife, and sometimes not even that. Many years later, I was looking through some online photos that had been taken there, and one of the photos showed a big mountain lion. As one of Big Mike Mazurki's gangster characters said in some old 1940s movie, "Oh, if only I hadda knew!"

  3. Same here, I always thought jaguars were a South American jungle animal, although I have seen their images in Mexican art.
