Thursday, December 26, 2024

Maybe St. Patrick can bring the snakes back

Sure, an' it would sarve 'em right: "Irish Times Op-ed: Christianity is a Hate Crime".


  1. So having crapped all over the Jews, the Irish now set their sights on Christians. Ha ha such fun! Next it will be Islam, right?

    Hello? Hey, where did everybody go?

  2. We’ll see how Ms McCarthy feels about it when Islam takes over and she gets hauled away for insulting the Prophet.

  3. In high school, Catholic mind you, I knew proudly Irish girls who read Das Kapital (and worse), so the whacky anti-religion talk doesn't surprise me.

    But the undiplomatic rudeness toward the Israeli ambassador did surprise me. Not only is it a new low, but it's stupid. If that ambassador can't complain about anti-semitism, then who can?

  4. How Ireland has fallen. They’re outdoing the British when it comes to cultural suicide.
