Sunday, December 22, 2024

Try throwing a bucket of water on her


Really, what melodramatic, socialist flatulence, what Bolshevik bombast. The people of Connecticut have a lot to answer for.

Oh, and I continue to find it highly amusing that everyone seems to have forgotten who the nominal president is right now. Even if Musk were controlling Trump, permit me to point out to the lovely representative from Connecticut that Trump is not yet president.

But I can't wait until the day Trump does take the oath of office.


  1. I am curious... if Musk has this much power and influence, then why bother getting politically involved? Since obviously he could have just stayed in the background and run everything anyway.

  2. Apparently that reincarnation of the Wicked Witch of The West is a powerful member of the donk’s House caucus.

    Oh, and a millionaire. Hmmm!

    1. Ok, this is my post. It seems that I wasn’t paying attention whilst tapping my iPad …..

  3. Term limits, anyone? As someone said, the House & Senate are starting to look like a combination nursing home and mental illness clinic. And this lady looks like a good fit for either one.
