Monday, October 28, 2024

When did "Minnesota nice" become "Minnesota stupid"?

So, the victim is in his yard trimming trees, and a nut across the street shoots him from a window. The police charge the shooter - but let him stay in his own home  for now because...well, I'll let the Minneapolis police chief tell you why this known danger to society is not currently behind bars (at :53 seconds).

Damn straight!


Classical corner

The introduction to Jean Sibelius' Kullervo.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sunday funnies

The world's largest hummingbird! 

Dick Cheney Excitedly Joins Democrat Party After Hearing They Get To Shoot People At Gun Ranges

Domestication exacts a price

Italians and Jews

I know there's a fly in here!

Now you can take your morning walk without getting out of bed.

Gregory at the mind is an unexplored country has discovered the perfect visual metaphor for Kamala Harris's career.

Just think how different history might have been if Donald Trump had beaten out Eddie Albert for the role

The great Vaughan Meader and his outstanding JFK impersonation.

From Power Line's The Week in Pictures.

Fascinating anti-Harris ad

Watch her carefully; she is almost literally getting a rush from exercising her petty tyranny. Just imagine the high she would achieve if she were able to lord it over all of us with respect to big life-and-death issues.

Moral authority

"A word from Jerry Wartski".



Friday, October 25, 2024

John Kelly revealed

 Really good stuff at Ace's place about tinpot would-be dictator John Kelly.

Kelly, along with Defense Secretary James "Mad Dog" Mattis, knew better than anyone that the military's survival depends on strict respect for the chain of command. Yet once Kelly and Mattis reached the pinnacle of civilian power, they acted as if no one, not even the president, was above them.
Kelly routinely subverted the president's trade agenda. When my former boss instructed Kelly to prepare an executive order to impose steel and aluminum tariffs or tariffs on China, Kelly would consistently delay the process by subjecting it to an extended review.

Much more at the link. 

This time around, Mr. Trump, you'd better watch your back a whole hell of a lot better than the first time around.

Also definitely worth a read is another of Ace's posts, this one on UK's descent into Fascism: "The UK Just Arrested Someone for Praying Silently".

Oswald Mosely would be so proud!