Friday, July 26, 2024

Glad to see that at least some police departments can still smell a rat


Suppressing terrorist acts should be an Olympic event

But I'm not sure France would take a medal: "‘Sabotage’ Hits France’s High Speed Rail Network Hours Before Olympics".

A shark and a cold case

In response to the news item I posted yesterday, about the young man in Australia who was reunited with his leg after a shark bit it off, friend and commenter Mick referred me to the incredible story of a shark that vomited up a human arm in the Coogee Aquarium Baths in Australia in 1935, and the resulting murder investigation. The story has everything: homicide, a failed suicide attempt, a second murder, and a continuing unsolved mystery (technically unsolved; I think everybody knows who was responsible).

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Happy Feet Friday

Dizzy Gillespie and the boys jump with a classic bebop tune called "Anthropology".


 "Selfless" Joe Biden.

As if the whole thing was his own idea, when, in reality, a growing gaggle of donk politicians, advisors and donors simply gave him the hook.


Emperor Hirohito orders the surrender of Japanese forces after selflessly taking into consideration the decent opinion of mankind and the effects of two atomic bombs.

You come close, Mr. Shark, but no cigar!

"Surfer whose leg was bitten off by a shark has the limb reattached after his limb washed up on the beach".

This happened in Australia, of course.

Well, I'm glad someone is speaking up for America

"Netanyahu Defends America Before Congress"

And this is interesting:

The Columbus fountain outside Union Station was vandalized with the red triangles supporting Islamic terrorist attacks and “Hamas is Coming”. “Long live the intifada” was scrawled on the Freedom Bell. A courageous lone individual rushed to save an American flag being burned by a mob shouting “Allahu Akbar” which quickly gave chase. The Capitol Police, formerly so beloved by Democrats and media, battled more of the red-shirted radical thugs with no support.
“Allahu Akbar! Hamas!” a Muslim protester shouted. “We’re gonna kill all the Jews.”
Then in a few hours the insurrectionist mob that assaulted Capitol Police officers was set loose.
The message from the Biden administration and Democrats was once again that terrorist mobs could freely vandalize landmarks, threaten members of Congress and assault Capitol Police.

But this was not an insurrection, requiring criminal charges and long prison sentences.

The Democratic Party is my enemy. When it becomes synonymous with the state, then the state becomes my enemy.