Saturday, July 12, 2008


Obama continues to lock himself in the bathroom. Maybe McCain should debate a cardboard cutout (that would still be pretty realistic).


  1. What makes this a little more ironic is that the crowd would probably be more sympathetic to Obama than some might think. Military families have sacrificed and endured much over the last five years, and they want to see the Iraq war come to some sort of conclusion. Obama, if he had any courage at all, has the opportunity to make a case among open minds. How open will those minds be when it becomes clear that Obama can’t face them?

    It's becoming clearer than ever that the man has no plan for Iraq (and the larger War) that wouldn't make all the sacrifices meaningless waste. He has spent his life steeped in the philosophy of fatalism, defeatism, and victimology (i.e., socialism and "social justice"). Not to mention that he has absolutely no clue as to free market economics.

    Vote for him at your peril.

  2. Obama has ZERO backbone, military or not. He keeps on turning down debates or townhalls with McCain, probably because The Messiah™ crashed and burned in the primary debates. If the answer must be off the cuff, he's toast.
