Friday, July 4, 2008

"Great" Britain

Gateway Pundit has a story about two children - two non-Muslim children, mind you - who were given detention at school for refusing to pray to Allah.


  1. Sheesh! I left just in time!

    zksgwy ... can I have a vowel, please?

  2. Soft jihadism.

    Objections? Criticisms of my conclusion?

    It's Paco's blog, so I'll refrain from my usual razor-edged rebuttals to any stupid-assed, ignorant, doctrinaire cowdung that might be offered.

  3. No, no, Rebecca; don't refrain from breaking out the razor. I want to watch!

  4. Alas, Britannia! We miss you already.

  5. If we ask nicely, do you think the Limeys would let us disinter Winston Churchill and bury him on our soil? I'm pretty sure that's what he would have wanted right now.

    On the other hand, we don't really need to ask at all, do we? Like today's Brits would have the backbone to stop us. But still, it'd be polite to ask first, I suppose.

  6. Steve:

    We ought to have some claim to Churchill's remains, since his mother was an American.

  7. That was in my mind as well, paco, except that I was unsure of my ground in presenting it. Some might take it as a subtle questioning of Barack Obama's claim to US citizenship.

    But if we can buttress our claim to Churchill by giving Obama to Kenya, then I'm all for it.

  8. I keep waiting till the Muslims and their PC enablers go too far, the blowback in Europe and Britain will be far too intense. Unless of course they just fade into Eurabia without a fight. But I tend to think at some point the continent will erupt. There has to be some survival instinct intact somewhere.

  9. Latino, on the evidence from the story the survival instinct has been retained by two eleven year old boys, and nobody else. I'm not sure that's going to be enough.

  10. Hmm..."First they came for the Jews..."

    Think this'll change anything about the way the teachers teach 'about' religion?

    tw: gacisah (Bless You!)
