Friday, August 8, 2008

Dang! First Sherman, Now This

War breaks out between Russia and Georgia.


  1. This is kind of a reverse Ksovo thing, where this time the Russians take on a small state to form a smaller one and the West protests.

  2. Bloody hell! I pick today to go out for a three hour four beer lunch and come home to find war has broken out between Putin's Russia and Georgia, Edwards' has admitted to an affair but says he fathered no child (how I wonder do his children with his wife feel about that?)all over CNN who seemed not to have the slightest idea for the last two weeks, and according to Tim Blair the Opening Ceremonies in Bejing aren't worth watching. A fine mess you've gotten us into this time, Ollie!


  3. I jes' hope them Rooskies don't burn down 'lanta like the yankees did.

  4. Wasn't there a Shakashvili who used to be a general in the US army? And didn't he return to his home in Georgia once they declared their independence from the Soviet Union?



  6. Rebecca, there is indeed a retired general by the name of John Shakashvili (a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), but he never went to Georgia, although his parents were both from there.

    This new war is pretty much due to Putin wanting to be the dude with the biggest johnson on the block. Too bad he and his fellow Russians can't get over the fall of the Soviet Empire. That would save a whole bunch of lives.

  7. "Well, there's certain parts of Atlanta I wouldn't advise trying to invade, Major"
