Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Forget the Alamo?

Mexican soldiers cross into Arizona, hold Border Patrol agent at gunpoint.

It's bad enough that we can't stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border, but when foreign troops start showing up in Arizona to protect drug runners, I'd say we've got us a real problem.


  1. The article says this has been going on for years, the Mexican soldiers crossing the border, that is. How soon will they be escorting not just drug runners but terrorists?

    Obama better use the money from his big oil windfall profits tax to finish that wall.


  2. Um now im from a place a long ways away and have been under a large rock for some time, but seriously, isnt this shit still classified as an act of war?

  3. Ricardo Alday, spokesman at the Mexican Embassy in Washington:

    "Law enforcement operations have led, from time to time, to innocent incursions by both U.S. and Mexican law enforcement personnel and military units into the territory of both nations, and in particular along non-demarcated areas of our border," he said.

    According to the article there have been more than 200 incursions into the US from Mexico by men dressed in military uniforms. How many "accidental" incursions into Mexico have there been from the US? Oddly, the article doesn't say.

  4. Wizard, you're not THAT far under a rock...but this is the Land of Opportunity, where any law can be ignored if it's inconvenient to certain parties involved.

    Lots of "inconvenient" laws around these days, especially if the bureaucrats & elected officials have (D) after their names.

  5. Gee, with our forces spread so thin, I hope we'll be able to defeat the Mexican army...

  6. Damn, the people on my rural street could take on the entire Mexican army and then go on to take down Hugo Chavez. After all, the menfolk were kinda hoping for a Russian invasion via Cuba for a long time. It would liven up the hunting season some.

    /The ATF busted a guy up the street for a brisk business in selling military weapons. I, uh, doubt they were all tracked down.

  7. It's the Free Mexican Air Force that worries me. Those B-25's can be nasty.

  8. Mojo
    The Mexican Air Force used Thunderbolts in the 2WW. By now, they should be well practiced.
