Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What, Did They Get Caught Counting Cards at the Blackjack Table?

African clawed frogs seized in Nevada. "No charges have been filed against the people who illegally possessed a total of 119 frogs because they are cooperating fully with law enforcement to 'get any and all prohibited frogs off the streets'"...


  1. On the Caribbean island of Dominica, the fungus has almost wiped out the mountain chicken, a frog species considered an island delicacy.

    I knew it! Tastes like chicken!

  2. Frogs and/or people musta been smokin' - the new rules Vegas has about that are going to just KILL business in a place where you can arrange to have or watch ANY OTHER kind of kinky pastime!

    Never eaten frogs. Don't plan to any time soon.

  3. When frogs are outlawed only outlaws will have frogs.

  4. Whoa! "Mountain chicken"? Yum (not!)

  5. I've never understood this prohibition of"counting cards' in blackjack.

    Everyone with half a wit tries to count the cards, it's obvious.

    This is why they play wioth half a dozen decks of cards at the same time.

    Of course, one can count the ratios, which statistically would be just as valuable.

  6. Gotta admit, The Prohibited Frogs would be a great name for a band.

  7. Mme Sarkozy is now a Frog ... in the traditional sense of course.

