Wednesday, October 1, 2008


1) We’re being told that we’re on the verge of economic meltdown, that we’re facing a once-in-a-lifetime financial crisis which could lead to a depression if Congress doesn’t act. I don’t know whether this is truly so, although I will go so far as to say that there is no need to rush a bill through without careful deliberation. One thing I’m sure of, however, is that an uncomfortably large percentage of our elected representatives are kleptomaniacal clowns whose fundamental lack of seriousness should disqualify them from holding office. Check out these earmarks which our Potomac solons have seen fit to slip into the proposed bill.

2) Designer Andy Rutledge has some good ideas for a new U.S. government web site under an Obama regime (H/T: Little Green Footballs)

3) Voter fraud in Michigan, courtesy of those indefatigable Democratic fellow-travelers at ACORN.

4) Oh, and let’s not forget Ohio and Wisconsin.

5) George Soros offers his usual helpful advice to the Democrats on how to smooth the road to socialism (H/T: Fausta)


Anonymous said...

Or "Kleptomaniacal Klowns", for alliteration junkies.

Paco said...

Mojo: I like it. It looks know...German.

RebeccaH said...

Where's wronwright when you need him? Jennifer Brunner needs to be trundled off to the VRWC Gitmolags forthwith. And let's chuck Gyorgy Schwartz in there while we're at it.