Friday, October 31, 2008

Stingy Taxpayers

According to Obama, it's just plain selfish not to want to pay higher taxes. So, everybody in the tax bracket right above mine, you need to dig a little deeper.

Update: Not directly related, but I'm enjoying my new-found hobby of making motivational posters:


  1. As usual,superb.OH,just posted your creations at LGF.

    Ummm, get a lot of candy this evening?

  2. El Cid: Lots of candy left over. Wonder what I'm possibly going to do with it all...

  3. Stick it in an envelope and mail it to the IRS. Don't be stingy.

  4. LMAO...mojo.

    Fantastic idea...ummm, except if Sir Paco is in charge of the...well you know...LOL.

    Remember the Paco Enterprises motto...Your Money Is Safe With Us And You Can Bet Your Sweet Bippy You Are Much Safer Too.

  5. Mojo, Lovely Daughter has six pounds of dum-dum lollipops leftover...

    I always buy my favorite candy, then Handsome Son-in-Law helps me eat it. Never goes to waste that way.
