Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Hello? Is Someone There?"

Obama, temporarily blinded by photographers' bright lights, was completely unaware of whose hand he was shaking at the Governors conference last Tuesday.

(H/T: Ace and Exurban League)


  1. Why are you assuming those are Obama's and Blagojevich's hands clasping? The whole thing is obviously a crude photoshop,and only a rabidly partisan RWDB would fall for it!

    Just when we're on the verge of A New Kind Of Politics (tm) somebody has to pull a Rovian dirty trick.

  2. Even worse, Steve -- that's a photoshop where eeevvvvviiilllll Rethuglican operatives pasted the faces of Blago Obama over that old photo of Rumsfeld and Saddam Hussein shaking hands.

    Can't you see the similarities!?!?!?!!?

  3. Oh, puhleeze. They're declaring a thumb war to determine who gets the earmarks on the table.

  4. What is missing from this photo is the brown envelope full of unmarked 100's being passed across.

  5. Nope, BOAB, the brown envelope stuffed with small denomination unmarked bills is already stashed behind the commode, third stall from the end. Axelrod's on it as we speak.

  6. Blago's asphalt hairpiece was also photoshopped.

  7. You have eyes and still you do not see! Clearly The One is rewarding the Faithful with halo's of virtue.
