Sunday, January 4, 2009


1) By all means, let us mark the 50th anniversary of the so-called Cuban revolution, but let us do so by focusing on the horrible truth.

2) Israelis turn a desert into a garden, while Muslim extremists choose to bring back crucifixion. The U.N., of course, thinks the Israelis are the bad guys (H/T: commenter Carpefraise). Jules Crittenden has a great roundup of news on operations in Gaza.

3) Denialism is breaking out all over!

4) Serendipity! Historically-minded readers will recall that I acquired a canvas dispatch bag some time ago that turned out to hold several lost entries from Che Guevara's Bolivian diary. After turning the bag inside out, I recently discovered another concealed compartment in which was hidden an entry or two. Scheduled for publication tomorrow - and only at Paco Enterprises - is a brand new offering from the Bolivian diary.


  1. O/T, but The Mighty O!'s mighty administration just took another hit.

    And He hasn't even taken the oath of office yet! I wonder what's next, Bill chasing female interns around the State Department with a feather duster?

    TW: flese. Yup, the country is being fleeced by the Dhimmicrats.

  2. I can't figure out why Richardson would want to head up Commerce, anyway, unless he just likes the travel perks and the D.C. lifestyle. there are a number of people who work at my federal agency who used to work at Commerce, and nobody would ever go back there. It's different, of course, if you're in charge, but still, I'd definitely rather be governor of New Mexico. I wonder if Richardson will wind up losing that job, too.

  3. I'm thinking that being a member of The Mighty O!'s cabinet could add a certain zest to one's resume. In the right (left?) quarters, of course.

    BTW, the outgoing DoC secretary has a pretty good editorial that you might like.....

  4. Oh, and I'm looking forward to the next exciting story from The Lost Diaries of Che!

  5. Stock up on the popcorn, Paco, Terry MacAuliffe is officially running for governor of Virginia.


  6. Retread: I think he plans on buying the office. We'll see. The vast resources of Paco Enterprises are arrayed against him.

  7. Paco, send me a ballot & I'll vote for whatever candidate opposes MacAuliffe. Or just use my info, whichever works best for you. ESPECIALLY if you run against him!

    Hey, if el Franken can find extra votes, why can't you?

  8. It's strange how often the solutions to the Gaza/Pali problem involves an "International Force" being interposed between the belligerents. No problem with foreigners/occupiers when a pause to rearm and resupply beckons.
    Worked in Lebanon!
