Sunday, January 18, 2009

How About President-For-Life Papa Doc Obama?

Two-term limit? Not for this superhero! We can all grow old and gray together with The One (except, of course, that He won't grow old and gray).

Oh, man! What are they all gonna do when they find out there ain't no Santa Claus?

(Image courtesy of Gateway Pundit)


  1. scary thought.. for any president. the term limit is a good thing for all, in my humble opinion

  2. I agree. In fact, I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't cut the term back to something equivalent to the shelf life of baloney.

  3. So while we were paying attention to a Bush or Clinton family dynasty, they're trying out a President Obama For Life? When do they suspend presidential elections?


  4. i am betting they will suspend elections right after his first loss in 2012

  5. Good God. The Democrats have gone completely round the bend.

    But... why am I surprised?

  6. Hey, DC posters, don't miss the Monday pre-looting walkthru...

    TW: heatina: What you do to make up Ginger Grant...

  7. And the good news MIGHT be....Serrano pulls this stunt every few years.

    That doesn't mean someone might grab the Hopen Change with both hands this time, of course. Egged on by The Mighty O!, of course.

  8. SO, now do you think I was kidding with all that 'Metrosexual Mugabe' stuff at Blair's?

    TW: mickup: What you get when you put the Irish guy in charge of the business plan...

  9. Nice. Now the flag is a billboard.

  10. When they find out that there ain't no Santa Claus they will blame us palefaces for his disappearance.

    Post-racial society? I'll believe it when the affirmative action laws and other race-based preferential treatment scams disappear.

  11. At least the flag is cool again. Until the next Republican eletoral win.

    TW: expate. Obviously a term for somebody who travels overseas for hair plug surgery.
