Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Republicans Stand Firm Against Crap Sandwich

The "stimulus" bill passed, but was unanimously opposed by House Republicans. Welcome back to the fight, ladies and gentlemen!


  1. Good. There are some representatives who have discovered their spines. But I don't think that party at the White House tonight is going to be much fun.


  2. The Democrats own this disaster, now, free and clear.

  3. What is this "free and clear" you speak of? Some strange concept from a bygone era perhaps?

  4. "Clear title to this legislative compost pile, with all rights appertaining thereto."

  5. I wrote a thank you note to my (Republican) representative, in appreciation for their principled stand. And she'll need it, she's one of the invitees to the latest White House shindig.

    TW: louslo. A louse laid low, indeed.

  6. Ah! You mean lock, stock and barrel. Why didn't you say so in the first place.

    While I can't be any happier that all of the Republicans voted no on this Democrats in Perpituity Act, there is one sobering note to add.
    Of the eleven Democrats that voted no on this only five were Blue Dogs. This means that 42 or 44(I count 47 they say it's 49)of the members caved and voted for something that clearly they should have voted against. Time will tell how important this was.

  7. Jeffs:Unfortunately I can't do that since Congressman Che-lite would be the last person to vote against anything like this. I am going to write a little note to the Blue Dog website and tell them how saddened I was to see their lack of participation. Words like "coward" and "irresponsible" my drift into the missive, who can tell.

  8. Excuse my ignorance, but do the Republicans now have a leader in opposition? I assume it is not McCain. Mehaul

  9. Not really, Mehaul. You could tag the Senate and House minority leaders as head of the "opposition", but it's sometimes hard to tell the difference.

    Morally, I'd say that Inhofe and DeMint are the opposites in the Senate. They at least follow their principles. I'm not so sure about the House.

    Yojimbo, that's a good idea. I didn't know that they had a web site.

    TW: psing. Yes, the House Republicans get a passing grade. This time.

  10. For Jeffs & Mehaul

    The leader in the House would be John Boehner-8th, Ohio
    You might want to pay close attention to Eric Cantor-7th, Virginia as well.

    The Blue Dog site is

  11. Those Cantors from Virginia are sticklers for tradition, eh what?

  12. Stimulus Bills are becoming more common than viagra spam. It's a hard rain's a gonna fall, I guess.

  13. Any bets on McCain not voting for it in the senate?

  14. Nice to see there is still a loyal opposition. Hope they hold up in the Senate too. Message sent loud and clear.

    Personally I reckon this law ought to pass - we need one like it here too.

  15. Hey, Malkern kept me abreast of the situation. I also salute the dems who were opposed.

    "Crap Sandwich" is not an edifying description, but it is accurate.

    Congrats to those who oppopsed.

  16. Welcome, Robert!

    lotocoti: I'm thinking McCain will probably vote against it.
