Monday, February 23, 2009

Son of Porkulus

The Democrats are trying to slip another slab of big-spending legislation through the House, once again without giving anyone time to read it. If and when this thing goes to the Senate, I hope “Republican” senators Collins, Snow and Specter will summon up the gumption to vote against it.

My stepfather recently floated the idea of cutting the salaries of all federal government employees and eliminating paid annual leave until spending is brought under control. This would have minimal impact on the budget deficit, but would be important as a symbolic act (and I don’t think he even saw this article). In any event, it is probably better than my idea, which was to release a swarm of killer bees in the Capitol building (Hey, that’s what you call “satire”, Internet Police!)

Update: The Obama Administration: like some kind of slapstick natural disaster.

Update II: Another role for Biden? I dunno...

Photo gratefully swiped from Smash Mouth Politics


  1. Biden overseeing the stimulus package is reminiscent of when then VP Gore was put in charge of "reinventing" government.

    If anything, Biden will supply an even larger amount of comedy gold.

  2. Say, since we call it "pork", I wonder if Hamas would reject this?

    Naw, probably not. They may be crazy in Gaza, but stupid they ain't.

  3. Good point, Jeff; let's see just how pious those Gazans are!

  4. And there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon.....

    And I mean real hope, not the faux schtick, sugar coated and pushed by the empty suit(s) in the White House.
