Saturday, February 14, 2009

Susan Jumps In

Senator Susan Collins - whose face, quite irrelevantly, reminds me vaguely of a gourd - had this to say about her vote for the stimulust package: "This crisis is extraordinary, and my constituents don’t expect me to stay on the sidelines. They expect me to jump in. People don’t want us to be the party that says no, just no.”

I hope your constituents will entertain the same sentiments the next time it's necessary to placate an angry volcano god. But before that happens, the least you can do is stop nurturing the myth that the Republican Party was only willing to say "no." There were, I believe, at least two separate Republican-sponsored proposals for a genuine, low-pork stimulus bill. But perhaps you were too busy with all those photo-ops featuring you and Harry Reid and your sister quisling from Maine, Olympia Snow, and Specter the Specious to find the time to read alternative proposals - although I'm sure you managed to wade through all thousand+ pages of the bill you wound up voting for...Right?

No Republican tent should be big enough to hold these three. When the chips are down, you can't count on them, and the most revolting thing is not that, without their help, the stimulus bill might not have passed. The thing that sets my teeth on edge is the cover (however thin) of bipartisanship that they've provided for the biggest Democratic raid on the treasury in history. It is an uncomfortable and ironic fact, I suppose, but the Republican Party is going to have to get a lot smaller before it has any chance of growing again.

Update: Hardened bunkers, anyone?

Update II: Say, how about some shamnesty? (H/T: Friend and commenter, Skeeter)


Anonymous said...


I love it!

Verification word: ching, as in "Ka-ching!"

Paco said...

It is the perfect word, if I do say so myself. It combines the ostensible rationale of the bill with the underlying pen-up spending desire of the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats (and with rat bastard RINOs) are working very hard indeed to dissuade decent people to behave responsibly. Why bother when everyone else behaves like drunks 5 days into a 10 day binge?

Anonymous said...

Collins voice, is as bad as her "gourd" face. She sounds (at least to me) like a third grader that has to make a run to the lavatory and quickly.

Even though not mentioned in your article, (I must say that the "gourd" made me spray morning coffee on the dining table, thanks pal) Olympia Snowe, kinda looks like a cross dressing man.

You know, like Specter.

"artmak"..Hell wondered what happened to him.

Anonymous said...

I guess the Specter vote brings back the "key" in "Keystone" State.

There is NO excuse for them agreeing to vote for this bill before everyone had a chance to read it. They had all the power they needed to stop this thing until a full airing was given.