Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Load Up the Tumbrils!

The irrepressible Camille Paglia - one of our best-known non-mincers of words and an honest liberal - believes heads should roll in the Obama administration. Alas, Barrie's head is not one she would recommend for the basket, but her article, nonetheless, skewers some of his most incompetent (albeit loyal) mamluks.

Too bad Camille won't be heading up the president's new Council on Women and Girls.

Update: Yes, I think Camille Paglia would definitely be a better pick than Valerie Jarrett, slum lord.

Update: Welcome Michelle Malkin and Robert McCain readers!


  1. Camille makes a good argument for setting up guillotine on the west lawn, but she's deluding herself if she thinks Obama doesn't have a hand in all of these embarrassments, flubs, and controversies. If nothing else, Obama selected, or approved the selection, these same people. He should know their capabilities. Either he doesn't know their capabilities, or he doesn't know what capabilities.

    In the real world (with which Camille is only in partial contact), responsibility goes upward. Which means Obama. But she denies that, and moves on.

    A pity, that. He's still getting a free pass from the MSM.

    But she's spot on regarding Limbaugh. That attack strategy is both appalling and embarrassing. "Drunken frat boys" is right. And I *don't* listen to Rush.

    So there's hope for her yet.

  2. Great minds think alot alike. I just read her article and quoted it extensively in my blog. While she is a liberal, she has Rush Limbaugh down to a T and she tells it like it is, while most liberals either lie about him and/or just plain don't understand him.

  3. Jeff and John: she's technically a liberal, but her soul is fighting against it!

  4. Or perhaps I should say, her intellect...

  5. Her intellect, Paco. Lefties tend to be emotive, not intellectual (in spite of their mis-use of the label). And her intellect is fighting hard.

    BTW.....congrats on the Malkinlanche!

  6. Jeff: Whoa! I was wondering who all those folks were.

  7. SOME of us (JeffS, f'rinstance) can now brag that 'we knew him when...'

    Good show, Paco!

  8. congrats for the recognition, sir. will you still remember us little people now that you have hit the big time!

  9. i listen to rush occassionaly.. when i happen to be in the car when his show is on (i do work and we arent allowed to stream, and there is no radio reception in our state of the art new building in dc.. but thats another story)
    but camille is on spot for who and what rush is.
    i agree with jeffs that she is deluded in not thinking that the one does not have a hand in this... maybe he should stop partying and campaigning and pay attention to what is happening in the real world.

  10. "Alas, Barrie's head is not one she would recommend for the basket, but her article, nonetheless, skewers some of his most incompetent (albeit loyal) mamluks."

    er, "mamelukes."

    We're looking at the first stage of Liberal Denial here:

    "Oh, no! The God-King has been misled by his disloyal subordinates!"

    Of course, this is the same reaction of medieval peasants to new taxes from the palace, but I'm sure I'm missing the sofisticatified noowances here.

    TW: emosk: What you wear to disguise yourself in a high school cafeteria these days.

  11. Wiki ref? Bad form.


    A member of a former military caste, originally composed of slaves from Turkey, that held the Egyptian throne from about 1250 until 1517 and remained powerful until 1811.

    SB: noome

  12. First person to quote Wiki loses!

    (Godwin's Law, clause (2), paragraph (i)...

    tw:gynco: We have an extensive line of products, they just won't print any pictures of them...

  13. Mamluk is an acceptable alternative spelling which I have seen often, and is actually closer to the anglicized Arabic original(the definition you cite is precisely the connotation I intended, and one which I used on previous occasions in referring to the fanatically loyal members of the Clinton administration).

  14. And Mameluke is the proper French version.

