Sunday, April 12, 2009

We Have a Winner!

That’s right, it’s time for the coveted Paco Enterprises "Awesomeness in Blogging Award"!

The winner is a blogger who has distinguished himself in manifesting a feisty, combative, damn-the-torpedoes conservatism, enriched with certified deep-thought, and sparkling with top-drawer aesthetics. Oh, and, er, he has linked me a lot (while I can’t disclose the mathematical details of the model used to choose the winner of this award, I will point out that the category, "linking Paco Enterprises", is not given an inordinately large weighting; the weight attached definitely does not exceed 75%).

Way to go, Robert Stacy McCain!

(Full Disclosure: I couldn’t find any useable photos of Stacy on his blog; they are all either curiously blurry – probably for security reasons – or unsuitable because of the inexplicable presence of Terry McAuliffe. The image on the gold medallion is based on a photo of the young Basil Rathbone, to whom Mr. McCain seems to bear a fair resemblance).

Update: Oops! Silly me. Did I say Basil Rathbone? I meant Cary Grant, of course.


  1. 75%! Haw! There's a digit missing on that one.

  2. And then he queries.

    Did you know that Basil Rathbone was a very, very accomplished swordsman?

  3. Yojimbo: As a matter of fact, I knew that. I read somewhere that he found Errol Flynn's amateur swordsmanship so dangerous that he threatened to run him through.

  4. The blurriness is all about maintaining the illusion that I'm semi-attractive.

    Basil Rathbone! Geez!

  5. Hey, I think Basil Rathbone is a noble-looking fellow.

  6. R.S. can't be TOO shabby - he's got six kids with his wife.

    I always thought Basil Rathbone was attractive, in a very elegant way. Nothing pretty about him, but attractive nonetheless.

    And Cary Grant could read me to sleep ANY day of the week.

    TW: I sense a pissy mood - sukqx

  7. I always liked George Saunders, myself. even being a baddie, he exuded class.

    Might've been the voice, I guess.

    SB: blerab
    Frenchified Bedou

  8. Mojo: I'm with you. Nobody registered sinister charm and malign courtesy the way Sanders did.
