2) Rock, water, sink. The Eye of Polyphemus spots Obama’s popularity disappearing as it heads down to where the catfish dwell (incidentally, this is a beautifully-designed blog).
3) Stacy McCain has the latest on IG-quiddick.
4) I keep hearing from the Obama administration that Americans are selling guns to Mexican drug lords, and you know something - they're right.
5) So many good things at Camp of the Saints that you need to just click and keep scrolling.
6) From one of the best bloggers in the business, Jennifer Rubin, comes the news that David Brooks, having sensed late in the day that the damned ship is sinking, seems to have jumped overboard and has now heaved his cold and water-soaked body into a lifeboat (I dunno, Dave, I’m not sure we’ve got room; how’s about the passengers take a vote?)

"I am gratified and excited that my plan has been endorsed by Homer the Health Care Bear"
Photo gratefully swiped from Are We Lumberjacks?
8) Ex-would-be-president-for-life Mel Zelaya appears to have a small overdraft problem.
9) Kiwi's crowding Australia.
From The Eye, emphasis mine:
ReplyDelete"“Think about that,” Obama said of DeMint’s remarks. “This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This is about a health care system that is breaking America’s families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy."
Uh huh.
Earth to Obamabots, earth to Obamabots.
ReplyDeleteThese bills can pass both houses without one single Republican vote.
In fact Republicans were responsible for passing the House Cap and Tax bill!
Democrats are responsible for all of the balking that is going on in Congress.
Historical note begins about now. It was Democrats that just about destroyed the Clinton presidency by balking on his "tax reform" bill in the early 1990 time period.
The Democratic Congress (now with a majority) has been a trainwreck all along. This weak-kneed Obama Presidency has only compounded the disaster. Whatever happens now, the Democrats own it.
ReplyDelete... is that the Pedo Bear behind him?
ReplyDeleteChris: Ha! You may be right. An endorsement from an illegal alien bear!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link and the very generous comments.
ReplyDeleteYour Humble and...
1) Just watching the video, the Obamwunda just stop himself from sayin: "You know, maybe you're better of dead". Incedible.