Friday, July 3, 2009


Steve at the Pub left a couple of comments, and I just discovered that he has a blog called The Public House. Great stuff! Check it out (and no stiffing the barkeep; Steve doesn't mess around).


  1. Thanks for that link, Paco. What a delightful read!

  2. Certainly pays to deal with Paco Enterprises!

    Been trying to get blog traffic up for years, Paco drops one short mention, and voila! Overnight my traffic goes through the roof!

    No point trying to get your own blog traffic up by yourself, engage a professional and get REAL results!

    As soon as you invoice me for the extra traffic Paco, I'll email some gold bullion to you.

  3. No problem, Steve; this one's on the house.

  4. Hehe, I'm not a traffic whore. I just write stuff that happens to me. If people wish to read that is fine.

    But I write primarily to records those "gee we should write a book" incidents that happen to all of us.

    Some identifying details are changed, due to the volatile outcome for me if my writing on some of the postings were known publicly in my town.
