Tuesday, August 11, 2009


What I see when I look at the citizens’ revolt at the town halls.

What Rep. John Dingell sees.

Of course, Dingell’s getting a little long in the tooth and his memory may be going; perhaps he was thinking of the last time he had lunch with Senator Byrd.


JeffS said...

Maybe Dingell is thinking about the Black Panthers? (New or old, doesn't matter.)

Projection is a funny thing.

RebeccaH said...

I think we should be cautious with Mr. Gladney. It's undoubtedly true that he was attacked and beaten by angry SEIU thugs, but I'm getting the sense that the wheelchair and "grievous injuries" are a lawyer's ploy to further a big bucks civil suit.

Also, he was selling Gadsden flags and Tea Party buttons, not giving them away, which
reflecst his capitalist leanings, but does not necessarily signal a true conservative outlook. He was, in short, an unemployed man trying to make a buck, in the best American tradition, not the martyr to the conservative cause that some are trying to paint him as.

None of that, of course, takes away from the outrageous conduct of SEIU thugs, and the general tone of Obama and the Democratic Party thus far.

Paco said...

Frankly, I hope he sues the SEIU and wins a million bucks.

RebeccaH said...

I do too, Paco. For one, it's an answer to the deadbeats (which I believe Mr. Gladney is not one) who game the legal system for big bucks. He has a strong legal case and should pursue it, and I hope to success. Also, it's a positive dampener on lefty/union/Dem violence when they realize they can be hit in the all-important pocketbook (thanks to people who record events on their video cameras and cell phones).

I am only saying that we should not give Mr. Gladney;s story more import that it actually has, lest we leave our side open to the current Democratic charge of "astroturfing".

Paco said...

Rebecca: I just snagged the first picture of a tea party town hall scene that I could find. With respect to Gladney,I think it's irrelevant whether he is an actual conservative black activist, or just an unemployed guy with no political convictions at all who was selling flags to make a few bucks. The fact is, the SEIU thugs at least assumed he was a protestor, and attacked him for that reason.

Minicapt said...

