Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wronwright, McEnroe; Call the Office

All right, how the hell did this leak out? Karl is going to be...miffed, to say the least.


  1. Plainly, this is wronwright's fault. If he hadn't convinced accounting that it would be cheaper to close out the leases on our copy machines and outsource our xeroxing to FedEd Office, this never would have happened, and I'll have a carbon of the memo that proves it in a minute...

  2. Richard
    Next time, you should get one of those new-fangled personnel computer, what use that really neat Microsoft Word program for writing memos. Then you don't need the carbon paper. Like Rather, the Dick, uses.


  3. Minicapt -- wronwright STILL hasn't figure out I swiped the font ball off his Selectric. Why change what works?

    Uh... did I type that out loud?

    TW: burpoot: wronwright, burritos, fill in the blanks.
