David obviously sees himself as “frummer” than thou, which makes him uniquely qualified, in his own mind, to serve as head of the conservative movement’s internal affairs department. While millions of people – conservative, moderate or just plain alarmed – watch with mounting fear and anger as capital “P” progressives under the leadership of the Obama administration attempt to dismantle this country’s traditions of individual freedom, self-reliance and limited government, Frum asks that we hold the noise down and observe the proprieties - and while we’re at it, to be considerably less obstreperous in our opposition to adopting European-style socialism. Perhaps, as one of Frum’s brethren, David Brooks, suggests, we should all just resolve to Be British, and embrace conservatism’s proposed role as a mere sheet anchor, to be used in case of emergencies to stabilize the Ship of State on its unchangeable course toward the socialist utopia.
Sorry, old boy, but being an ex-scribbler for National Review hardly qualifies you as a conservative strategist. No more than it does, say, Gary Wills or David Brooks or Jeffrey Hart. And even your mentor, William F. Buckley, Jr., conceded that it is frequently the conservative’s duty to stand athwart history shouting, “Stop!” In our headlong rush toward the nanny state, urging that we slow from a gallop to a canter is an admission of defeat, and you will never rally the troops to the banner of the white feather.
“My dear fellow, how very un-Burkean of you.”
All are cordially invited to treat with this Old Retired Petty Officer-First Class. Except for Kathy, she's way cool. The rest are useless maggots and need a severe ass beating. I'm game.
ReplyDeleteGM Cassel
US Navy
Meh, I've come to the conclusion that anyone who tells me how to think shouldn't be listened to; they're selling snake oil. Same thing for people who offer their opinions as wisdom from the gods.
ReplyDeleteOn the flip side, people who take pains to show me how they think, by explaining their reasoning, or at least offering a coherent argument with suitable assumptions, are worth my time.
Frum and his ideological brethren (e.g., Brooks, MoDo, etc) are in the former category. And always will be.