Saturday, November 28, 2009

More Red Flags Than the Kremlin on May Day

Let's see; there's Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn and Van Jones. And now Dr. Quentin Young, Obama's Marxist medical pal.

When you start adding up the numbers of Obama's radical friends and associates, it looks like the guy's got enough comrades to set up his own Comintern.

Old Gory

Update: Even the White House party crashers have radical connections. Hmmm...Maybe the Salahis really had been "cleared" to attend, as earlier news reports said; it just wouldn't have looked good to have them on the official guest list.


  1. Paco, you forget that awful woman, who's name I forget, who heads the EPA and is also a director of the Socialist Internationale.

    If this isn't proof positive that the communists, when the Berlin Wall fell, found haven in the Green Movement.

  2. You're right!

    Carol Browner, Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy. She was a member of the Socialist International's Commission for a Sustainable World Society (supposedly she resigned in the summer of 2008).

  3. It is time to enlist Michele Bachmann to run in 2012:

  4. Bachmann to the future!

    Easier to try and find someone who is not a neo-socialist in this administration. And these are just the public figures with traceable records. Think of the hordes that are now being implanted,subrosa, into the governing structure that will function as a human barricade even if we bounce the public ones in 2012.

    Recent examples: Bush Pentagon and CIA

  5. Yojimbo is right: we may succeed is getting the top Bolshes out of office, but their embeds, deep in the bowels of the various departments will still be there. I worked in government for over 30 years now, through 7 administrations, and I've seen it first hand.

    This is another front in the multi-front war we are fighting. So many fronts, so little time.
