Thursday, December 3, 2009

Senator Barbara “Don’t Call Me Ma’am” Boxer Magically Transformed into Strong Privacy Advocate

The Granny in Tennis Shoes takes a look at Climategate and puts her finger squarely on the real problem: the computer hacker who broke the story on one of the world’s biggest international conspiracies probably violated the law. The woman person Senator who once championed whistleblowers wants to remove the pea from this particular whistle because it interferes with the AGW narrative.

Ed Driscoll has a great roundup of reactions from around the dextrosphere. And check out this great summary of Climategate details by Lord Monckton.


  1. Climate Change. Fake, but accurate. No really.


  2. You know, If she launches an investigation into the hacking of the CRU emails our MSM will no longer be able to ignore climategate. It would be impossible for them to report on the congressional investigation without getting into the root cause that prompted the investigation. Have at it Babs, investigate to your hearts content.
