Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Martha Coakley Just Oozes Integrity

Well, maybe not integrity, exactly. Stacy McCain has a good roundup of links on the Massachusetts election, including the excellent video of the Weekly Standard’s John McCormack doing some post-graduate work at the School of Hard Knocks. McCormack, incidentally, thinks his assailant was Michael Meehan, a Coakley staffer.

Update - Confirmed: it was Michael Meehan.

Update II - Even more from Stacy!


  1. According to Hot Air, it was a Coakley associate. A rather important associate, in fact.

    TW: useness. Right AI, the usefulness of the Dhimmicrats is LONG past.

  2. I think you made a typo in your headline: I believe the period should go after "oozes" with "integrity" deleted. Everybody knows there is no "integrity" in a Democratic candidate!
