But all is not lost; not even if this terrible health care bill becomes law. Remember another time when Americans were faced with an arrogant and oppressive government, and the uphill struggle against long odds.
Update: Looks like Smitty was thinking along somewhat similar lines.
Update II: Hey, congressman, what has Obama promised you in exchange for your "yes" vote?

H/T: Last of the Few
Update III: Marc Thiessen on the stench of the backroom deals.
Right On Paco. Bring our brave and honorable back from Afghanistan, Iraq, and wherever the hell else they're stationed, which is everywhere, strike Posse Comitatus by force and take back our country.
ReplyDeleteShould the Dems and Repubs do the end around our Constitution to pass this LeninCare, D.C. would be a great place to begin.
God that's stunning NR..umm, RN.