Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Conceal this!

I dunno. Maybe Sydney Greenstreet could get away with it if he wore an overcoat 2 sizes too big.


Anonymous said...

Hey Paco! Was it something I said? There must be something wrong with the posting thingy, cuz I can't have done anything wrong (she says batting her big blue eyes). It wasn't pulled for mention of Mohammed was it?

Well, htis won't be as good as yesterday, but if at first you don't succeed.... AP "reporters" don't mention the name everytime Mohammed M. Mohammed "conceals" something. It's all about the meaning of words, right? One man's REDACTED TO COMPLY WITH GOVERNMENT REGS is another man's freedom fighter.

Deborah Leigh

Paco said...

No, mentions of Big Mo get top billing. I don't remember seeing a comment here before now.