Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just accept the fact that you’re a racist

Really, all you white folks, just accept it and move on. Why tie yourself into knots of self-loathing and self-censorship, like these idiots, when all you have to do is accept your racism, as if it were the same as any other affliction you’re born with – say, near-sightedness or flat feet. And since you can’t help it anyway, when you’re criticized by some diversity guru, you can throw your shoulders back, stick your chest out and level a counter-charge of, er, racism-ism.


  1. I dunno, racismism, is that approved by the Handicapper General?

    Sounds too empowering to me.

  2. That article is sequential stupidity aggravated by political correctly.

    Frankly, it's group therapy for white guilt, following the Twelve Steps into leftie La La land.

    Alas, those young Canadians haven't the backbone to tell their leftie comrades to take their propaganda and shove it where the sun don't shine.

  3. Bruce: It doesn't exactly sing, does it?
