Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey, some pretty famous people support gun control

Courtesy of friend and commenter Jeff S.


  1. Watch out with all this right wing advocacy - you may get snubbed by Sir Elton John.

  2. Bruce: I can think of few people for whom I would more gladly serve in the capacity of, er, snubee, than E.J.

  3. Well done, JeffS. Some people need a lot of reminding.

    WV: dedlici: cousins of the Borgias and the Pelosis.

  4. I wonder if it would look better if I swapped in Mayor Daley's picture for Kim Jong Il's?

    Last week the Illinois legislature passed a law to "require those convicted of unlawful use of a weapon to serve one to three years in prison if the offender was carrying a loaded weapon with no valid Firearms Owners Identification card."

    This is what you do when you don't want to address the actual problems :
    carrying a gun concealed or unconcealed was already a felony
    possessing a gun without a FOID card was already a felony
    possessing ammunition without a FOID card was already a crime
    possessing a handgun in Chicago, generally, was already a crime
    not registering a handgun in Chicago was already a crime
    a felon possessing a gun is a crime
    brandishing a gun is a crime
    shooting people is a crime

    Part of the reasoning for the change was "Daley complained that "unlawful use of a weapon is so common, [charges are] just thrown out. Whether it's juveniles or young adults, they're back right on the street..."" So the real problem isn't with the old law but with prosecutors and/or judges; what is to prevent charges based on the new law from being thrown out? For some people a choice between making sure the schools teach kids to read by the 8th grade or passing a redundant law is an easy one. The key is to make it look like a politician is doing something without doing anything to disrupt his political machine.

    (I know at least 2 old women who possess guns in Illinois but have no idea what a FOID card is. That makes them potential felons despite their being in the statistical group least likely to commit drive-bys)

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