Monday, May 3, 2010


I think we now live in one. The Democrats’ health care bill, it seems, may impose fines on the very institution that passed, but whose members did not read, the fine print. From the Daily Caller:
A just-released memo from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) raises fresh constitutional concerns about a provision in President Obama’s health-care law that could impose tens of millions of dollars in fines on Congress, state and local governments.

As reported by The Daily Caller, Congress could be fined up to $50 million annually by its own health-care law if low-level aides apply for government subsidies to help pay their health-care costs.

The new memo from Congress’s research arm states that state and local governments would be on the hook for such fines as well – but argues those fines may be unconstitutional under Supreme Court precedents on federalism.
Haw! Well played, geniuses.


  1. Frankly, I hope such penalties come into play. That will be the fastest way to getting Obamacare repealed.

  2. Just shows you the collateral damage that happens when you change your motto to "No Legislation Without Misrepresentation".
