In keeping with the tradition of Paco Enterprises - to the extent that two years counts as a tradition - I am linking to the text of the Declaration of Independence, a document that we should all take the time to re-familiarize ourselves with, particularly during times such as these when it is folly to take our hard-won liberty for granted.
In my entire 55 years, I have not seen an administration, aided and abetted by its allies in the Senate and in Congress, and in state and local governments around the country, striking out with such arrogant self-assurance against the principles upon which our nation was founded. Over the last decade, each election seems to be more important than the one that preceded it, and the interim elections this year will likely indicate whether or not we have reached a tipping point in our advance toward a dreary, soul-destroying statism, presided over and implemented by hell-bent fools.
2010. Roll-back.
Update: Andrew Breitbart marks the 4th by unveiling another blog in his "Big" series: Big Peace. Check it out!
Update II: American Power has some great photos of the Tea Party protest Saturday in San Juan Capistrano.
Update III: Bob Belvedere mixes patriotism with Rule 5 action to create a potent combination.
Update IV: Ziva Sahl over at Babalu reflects on a very different society some 90 miles from Florida, and places the concept of being a so-called "hardliner" in the context of the ideals that gave rise to our own revolution.
Update V: Be careful with the pyrotechnics!

see more
Happy Dependence Day.
ReplyDeleteA very Happy Independence Day to you and Mrs. Paco. And thank you for the linky love - it wouldn't have been the same show without a little bit o' Paco.
ReplyDeleteYojimbo: This is a temporary situation, so rejoice; the Restoration is coming. The Union: she must be preserved...and we will triumph.
"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Government's purposes are beneficent. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." Judge Louis D. Brandeis.
ReplyDeleteSee. Occasionally, a lawyer does have something worthwhile to say.
Happy Independence Day to you and yours, Paco, and to all your loyal readers.
Hope you all had a great day.
ReplyDeleteIf you're sober enough to blog today, you're doing it all wrong.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Paco - posted a link at PPII in case someone stumbles in.
ReplyDeleteAwarded the THE SPOT-ON QUOTE OF THE DAY at:
ReplyDeleteThe Camp Of The Saints
Linked and added to the Robot's blogroll. Sorry it took so long. I've been meaning to and that's the truth.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the fight!
Thanks for the link, Bob. And thanks to you, Longhair, for inclusion on your blog roll. I'll return the courtesy.