Monday, July 5, 2010

Paco feeling left out

Dan Riehl links to Lisa Grass' list of manly blogs.

Through some horrible error, I see that Paco Enterprises isn't included. C'mon, Lisa. How can you forget...Acapulco?


Anonymous said...

Surely their outrageous omission of such manliness as yourself and as proprietor of a premier bastion of Conservativism as Paco Enterprises was merely the result of ... a result of...nope, no good reason. However, you find yourself in good company of those such as Richard McEnroe/Three Beers Later. Nevertheless, a correction should be forthcoming. Hopefully.

Deborah Leigh

bruce said...

These days no one notices sartorial manliness. Ahh well.

Mitchum had it all going on didn't he?

Anonymous said...

Jealousy, plain and simple, Paco. Not one of the others can carry off that fedora. You and wronwright should drive on over there & let Sheila give 'em what for!

Paco said...

I'm sure it's just an oversight. I mean, the place is positively crawling with two-fisted private-eyes, capitalist empire builders and jungle-tested revolutionaries.