Friday, July 2, 2010

Sadly, stupidity does not disqualify one from holding high public office

Hardly an original observation. But it seems that, these days, far from being an obstacle, obtuseness is not only not a disqualification, but a positive asset.

House Squeaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, seems to think that unemployment checks create jobs (Stacy McCain has the video).

Well, yeah, maybe for outfits like this, but not in the economy as a whole.


  1. Nancy Pelosi, like Barack Obama, like Joe Biden, like countless, clueless, other politicians in office today, she just talks to hear herself talking, because she must be seen saying something. Doesn't matter what falls out of her mouth, it's noise that she has to make, and if whatever it is comes out in a calm, reasonable voice, it will be all right, because we unwashed, too-dumb-for-our-own-good peasants won't understand anyway, but we'll be reassured.

    There is no limit to the bad things I wish for these government whores. No offense to whores.

  2. I thought, based upon the evidence, that stupidity is viewed more feature than bug.

  3. These days, stupidity is a requirement for holding high public office.
