Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Discretion, valor, better part of

James Cameron, having issued a challenge to climate-change skeptics to debate him, ended by showing a “discretion” streak down his back a mile wide, and cancelled a scheduled public debate with Andrew Breitbart, Marc Morano and Ann McElhinney at the last minute.

Oh, but he did take the time to call denialists “swine”. So, what, is he a Muslim and the debate would have been haraam?


  1. Heh. Cameron is a wuss.

  2. Is he a Muslim? No, James Cameron is just another big-mouthed Hollywood pansy who didn't think his talk-tough challenge would be taken up by anybody. Too bad about the debate, though. Any one of those three would have eviscerated him inside five minutes.

  3. exactly, RebeccaH. so he does what typical liberals do hen they know they are wrong - call the opponent names as they run with their tail between their legs.

  4. But...but... BLUE PEOPLE!!

    Why do idiots assume that competence in one profession translates into competence in another, completely unrelated field?

  5. Blame just about all of this - Noble Savage, French Revolution, Soviet Union, Gaia worship, 'Avatar' - on the European discovery of Tahiti.

  6. Read where they bent over backwards to change everything the way he wanted it and still he backed out, agree with JeffS he is a wuss.

  7. Cowards in every way, all the way to the bone.

    Not a lick of honour in any of 'em. REALLY would've enjoyed the evisceration Rebecca mentioned.

  8. 12 years ago I studied to become a schoolteacher, where one subject elective was 'Environment Studies'.

    I chose music instead, and after the first couple of weeks one poor guy told me how he wanted out of 'Enviro' because 'They won't let you ask any questions'.

    I shrugged it off, naively thinking common sense would eventually prevail. But it hasn't.
