Sunday, August 15, 2010

Immigration death wish

When tolerance evolves into nothing more than indifference to one's own cultural heritage, then it is no longer a virtue. No nation has an obligation to permit its society to be undermined and ultimately destroyed through immigration, legal or otherwise. Here are two object lessons for the U.S.


France (H/T to Captain Heinrichs for this one).


JeffS said...

Suicide by tolerance. It ain't a pretty death.

RebeccaH said...

Immigration and tolerance are two things that made our country great, but there has to be a limit. We can't take in everybody in the world, and if they continue to flee their own countries instead of fixing them, how will there ever be peace and prosperity anywhere?

I don't want to see the western half of my country turn into a version of failed Mexico, nor do I want to see our cities turned into failed Islamic enclaves. If that makes me a racist, then so be it.