Saturday, September 11, 2010

If ever bib-overalls were needed...

...the time is now. Overlawyered has the link to a story on a guy in England who likes to garden in the nude - and thinks permitting the construction of houses nearby is a violation of his rights.

Important safety tip: if you're going to be handling garden shears in the nude, you'd better keep your mind on


  1. We have word for this:


    I saw a TV program once about a Pommie having a whinge - as they do - about having been circumcised as a child. Now he was trying to grow back his foreskin. Oh the drama! The pathos!

  2. Mind you, this one's a Yorkshireman - a descendant of Vikings. So this may be more of a Scandinavian rather than a Pommie thing.

  3. Be funny as hell if he grew it back and it turned out to be closed on the business end.

  4. I can imagine this character should he have lived in 1940, during the Blitz -- as running like hell towards the hills.

  5. I garden quite frequently. There's dust. And spiders. And sunburn. I get itchy just thinking about it. This guy must be a masochist.
