Thursday, December 2, 2010

Morning Joke

Joe Scarborough has invited Republicans to shun Sarah Palin. Let’s see what Coalition of the Swilling has to say about ol’ Joe (there’s some good background stuff there that I didn’t know).


  1. We should have turfed scumwads like Joe Scab-rough out of any positions of power in the GOP long ago, for our own self-respect, never mind the good of the country...

  2. I have to admit that long ago I liked Joe. Then I woke up. Thank God! Didn't know about his betrayals. Now there's more reason to dislike him. Just say, "No Joe".

    Heard the IT guy dissing Sarah to my boss who commented that he was "over" her. Must have gotten some of the kook-aid. And here I thought he respected self-made people.

    Deborah Leigh
