Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paco announces bid for presidency

Just doin' my, er, patriotic duty.

I'm thinking of using these slogans (each one will, of course, have the preamble, "Vote for Paco"):
He'll treat your money like it's his own.

Isn't it time for a president whose head doesn't look like a soup tureen?

Born in the USA (certified copy of birth certificate available on request)

He'll sit around doing nothing for half the current presidential salary

He'll never bow to foreign potentates (although he may pistol whip them if they piss him off)
Let's get these posters up, pronto!

Update: I receive my first big endorsement!

Update II: Nothing like a little opposition to get some free publicity.

Update III: The momentum builds!

Update IV: Another endorsement!


  1. You've got my vote, Mr. Paco sir. In fact, the minions are already busy designing a logo for the Office of President Elect.

  2. Here's my platform: I'm in the race to stay unless and until I raise a million dollars.

  3. Paco, I wouldn't let them get you out of the race for anything less than 5 million.

  4. Go for 10 million, Paco, and maybe you can take your minions out for burgers and fries!

    Remember, folks: vote early, vote often! It's the Democrats' process.

  5. Yes, early and often is what democracy looks like.

    You realize that his is going to cause a serious dimunition in my future flows into the "Mr. Bingley For Just About Everything" campaign fund. Are you prepared for the reverberations resulting from that?

  6. YoJ: Pony up, dude. It's for the children.

  7. Have you considered federalizing the civil service unions nationwide to bring them under the Uniform Code of Military Justice?

  8. But what about the Delta smelt?! Won't SOMEBODY think about the Delta Smelt?!

  9. Do you support the right to arm bears in case they meet Greens in the woods?

  10. Have you considered federalizing the civil service unions nationwide to bring them under the Uniform Code of Military Justice?

    Richard, I know at least one colonel that would LOVE that idea.

  11. Do you support the right to arm bears in case they meet Greens in the woods?

    Say rather, tie the arms of Greens in the woods, and make sure they meet bears.

  12. Please sir, can Australians vote for you to?
    If so you have my vote.

  13. Merilyn: Unfortunately, as an Australian, you cannot vote in a U.S. election (unless, perhaps, you register as a Democrat). Your money, however, is as good as anybody else's. In fact, my yacht, the Jolly Codger, is currently berthed in Sydney, so feel free to send a chest of gold aboard.

    Agnes: Donations can be sent to:

    Paco Charitable Trust c/o
    Paco Financial Services
    Cayman Islands

  14. At this point, I would like to submit my application for Secretary of the Exchequer. I'm sure Wronwright will second my nomination.

    Uh... Wronwright?

  15. thefrollickingmoleMarch 11, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    "Vote for Paco"

    : Or well make it a Jeb Bush/ Hillary Clinton election

    : And see washington run by serious men in fedoras again

    : Technicaly the charges were never proven.

    : and trade the black hellicopters for packards.

  16. Frollicking: First rate suggestions!

  17. Merilyn,

    Don't be too sure that you can't vote. During the last presidential election, I was accosted by two college students working for Acorn who urged me to register to vote as a Democrat. Because I was on my way to a meeting, and with our friend Tim in mind, I affected an Aussie accent and told them I could not as I was not a U.S. citizen. They smiled and said, "Oh, that's all right. Where do you live?" If I had not been late, I would have loved to find out where that conversation would have gone.

  18. Nashville Beat: "Australian Democrats for Paco". I love it!

  19. Paco, how did you find out about the chest of gold that Wronwright asked me to mind for him?
    If Nashville is correct, there could be a way around this so we here in Australia can vote for you..........

  20. In like a needle, out like a plow!

    Yes, gonna register me as a Dem to vote Paco. From way south o' de border (what border?)

    I reckon your theme should be Sartor Resartus, Paco. 'Philosophy of Clothes' a revival of good tailoring and good taste.

    Hand out free copies of the book like Chavez's handbook to keep the boffins guessing.

  21. My vote is yours, Paco! And any 'extras' I can round up from the Project up the street!

    Proudly Pistol-whippin' Foreign Potentates!

  22. and my endorsement of a really swell guy!

  23. If foreign campaign donations are OK, there's a little left over from that thing, that time.
    Vote Paco.
    It'll be like having a friend in the family.

  24. Thanks, Colonel! That poster is sensational!!!

  25. Apologies for being in late with my public endorsement, but I assure you, as soon as I read this post, I endorsed you in my mind.

    Quoted from and Linked to at:
    For Duty And Humanity!

    PS: Word Verification word is 'Regam' - is this what one calls Patti Davis's legs?

  26. If only you had come to this decision six years sooner!
