Saturday, July 23, 2011

President Bean

Andrew Klavan on the growing incivility of the Left:
...there does seem to me to be one thing worth saying about Maher and the others. Their ugliness seems to be escalating day by day, and with it the dishonesty, distortions, and bullying anger of their mainstream-media fellow travelers. There’s a reason for this, I think. It’s the increasingly apparent failure of Barack Obama. With the notable exception of Osama bin Laden’s execution, the Obama presidency has resembled nothing so much as an episode of Mr. Bean, one slapstick misadventure after another. The stagnant economy, the rising unemployment, the staggering, soon-to-be-crippling debt—hiked more under Obama than under every president from Washington to Reagan combined—these can no longer be blamed on his predecessor but are his to own.
H/T: IOwnTheWorld - which also has this great video clip of Charles Krauthammer excoriating Obama's insufferable arrogance.

Update: Heh. "The Primal Scream President".


rinardman said...

And killing OBL probably isn't at the top of the short list of Obama accomplishments, used by the leftists as talking points.

Maybe if they scream louder, they'll drown out the doubts in their own minds.


RebeccaH said...

Obama has consistently shown himself to be small, petty, mean-spirited, and clueless about how the real world works. He is totally unworthy to be president.