Monday, August 15, 2011

Matt Damon’s brain

Ben Shapiro analyzes the, er, thinking of Michael Moore’s candidate for president, and finds the actor’s thought-box to be a very unprepossessing specimen.


  1. Matt Damon has a brain?

  2. The wealthy-beyond-all-measure, he explained in December 2006 to a tingly-legged Chris Matthews, “I don’t think that it’s fair … that it seems like we have a fighting class in our country that’s comprised of people who have to go either for financial reasons … if you’re gonna send people to war, then that needs to be shared by everybody.”

    Ooookay, Matt. Looking forward to seeing you in uniform.

    Who am I kidding? That pretty wuss wouldn't make it through boot camp.

  3. "...if you’re gonna send people to war, then that needs to be shared by everybody.”"

    Well Matt, if it needs to be shared then head on down to the recruiter. I'm sure your assistant can find the address for ya, or you can search for it on your GPS system in the car. You won't be getting the big bucks you're used to, and the food won't be either, plus you might not get as much sleep, but hey, that's sharing, right. I'm sure you'll want to be treated like everyone else. No special treatment. So start getting in shape, no not what your personal trainer thinks is "in shape". Oh, and they don't go for manicures and pedicures. Got to be able to hold the weapon (rifle, to you). Let us know what score you got on the tests.

    Deborah Leigh
