Friday, September 9, 2011

In the Arab spring...

...a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of attacking Jews.

And once safely-secular Turkey, now under the rule of would-be Sword of Islam, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now claims that it will provide a naval escort for the next flotilla of Gaza blockade-runners.

Like everything else he has set his hand to, Obama's Muslim outreach - complemented by incessant Israel-bashing - is rapidly turning to ashes.


  1. There remains the possibility that Obama's Muslim "Outreach" is working pretty much as intended.

    And Israel's peril? That would be a feature, not a bug.

  2. Have to agree with TRJ. No major effort on Syria, a key pressure point on Israel. Egypt now assaulting the Israeli embassy. Lybia seemingly coming under control of al Qaeda, complete with stockpiles of weapons.

    The alternative would be that they are just so incompetent AND naive that they just careen headlong into these decisions. It will all be known in the fullness of time.

    wv:ductspe. A new type of duct tape! Tell me more!

  3. Time for a really good bunch of naval mines?
