Friday, November 4, 2011


A fracas breaks out in the psycho ward:
A deranged homeless man who has been squatting among the Occupy Wall Street protesters in lower Manhattan went on a violent, early-morning rampage yesterday, cursing incoherently and kicking down tents.

The only thing that could stop Jeremy Clinch from his Godzilla-like rampage was a left hook to the face delivered by a paranoid fellow protester who claimed to be an ex-Turkish diplomat — and charged that his assailant was carrying out a plot hatched by Mayor Bloomberg.

"We are the 99%!"

Just what America, exactly, has Michelle Obama been living in?

Another important date I missed.

Quite possibly the craziest movie set in history.

Getting to know the real Nostradamus.

99% meet pump-action shotgun.

A good roundup of links by Professor Reynolds on Politico and Herman Cain.

Turnout the lights, the party’s over…

ACORN (again).

Iran has declared war, in case anyone ever gets around to noticing.

A fabulous photo of NGC 3603 at Et Cetera (Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of NGC 3603. Why, I’ve known about it for, er, minutes).


  1. NGC 3603 is nice, but nothing beats the old Horsehead.

    BTW, if you enjoy this sort of thing, I recommend APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day). The added bonus of APOD, you get pertinent information about the photo's subject.

  2. Thanks, r-man. I love space photos.

  3. Here's two other dates you forgot:

    11-11-11, next Friday. And...

    Today is the second anniversary of the Fort Hood shootings.

  4. Poor Joe Biden. I knew he had dropped off the map after those statements he made but I had no idea he was hanging out with the occupy crazy people.
